There are several ways you can donate or fundraise for Eddie’s
make a donation
For every £1 donated, 84p goes towards our much needed services to support people with a learning disability across East Anglia.

84p of every £1 donated goes directly to delivering our services and changing people’s lives, the remaining 16p helps us find the next £1 and supports our essential running costs.
Our fundraisers play a vital role in helping us to continue supporting people with learning disabilities. Our Family Support Service and Befriending Scheme are entirely reliant on donated funds.
The key to successful fundraising is it must be fun for you! So whether you want to run a marathon, hold a bake sale, jump out of a plane or organise a collection, the fundraising team at Eddie’s is here to support you all the way, with fundraising ideas, marketing materials and PR.
Firstly download our Fundraising Guide It’s full of inspiration and will support you on your journey.
Find our sponsorship form here.
Organise your own fundraising event – get inspiration with our A-Z of event ideas.
Corporate partnerships
As a business working with a charity is a win-win.
Staff morale rises through taking part in charitable activity which leads to higher engagement, your company becomes embedded in the community, and charities benefit from the huge influence and knowledge you can offer.
If you choose to partner up with Eddie’s we’ll support you with fundraising ideas as well as putting together a calendar of events. We can come in and talk to staff, jiggle a fundraising pot, man a cake stall, provide places on sporting events, and offer opportunities for staff to come and volunteer with some of our projects.
Have a look at our Fundraising Guide for inspiration!
We’ll also promote your activity through our social media channels, engage with the local media to secure you press coverage and support you to fulfil your Corporate Social Responsibility objectives.

With thanks to our existing supporters

Holiday Inn, Impington, staff and Spirit Health Club members, kicked off their activities with a sporting challenge – swimming three miles, running thirty, and cycling three hundred miles to raise funds towards a new hoist chair for our hydrotherapy pool. The event was the start of a long term relationship supporting Eddie’s. They have also sponsored our Christmas cards, offered supported work experience placements and provided gardening opportunities for our gardening group.

Eddie’s benefitted from a three-month partnership with The Cambridge Building Society. For that time all branches had Eddie’s merchandise on display, and team leaders ran a series of events to raise money. We also received funds from their Cash for the Community scheme.

Eddie’s was selected to be a benefitting charity of the local community fund for 2018. We received almost £5,000!

Between Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. and Mathworks, our Artworks centre in Milton was made to feel like home with staff taking time out of the office to paint the centre. Qualcomm also funded the design and production of our Fundraising Guide.
Whether you like to run, bake or head out on an adventure, there is an event for everyone.
Keen runners among you, have a look at the Runners World events calendar to find a race that is right for you. If you’re happier on a saddle with the world whizzing away under your feet take a look at the British Cycling Events site where you are sure to find a challenge to inspire you.
Adventurers get your backpacks ready and don’t forget your passport! The following websites will give you exciting fundraising ideas to last a lifetime. Charity Challenge, Discover Adventure, Global Adventure Challenges
If you would rather organise your own event check out our A-Z of fundraising ideas Be it holding a bake sale, jumping out of a plane or a sponsored dance-athon, the fundraising team at Eddie’s is here to support you all the way, with inspiration, marketing materials and PR.
Get in touch on, 01223 883130.

Tips for fundraising success
Decide what you would like to do. Make sure it’s something you’ll enjoy. Check out our A-Z of fundraising ideas for inspiration.
Confirm a location, time, date (if required).
Set your target! This will really motivate you and engage your supporters. Keep it realistic though so as not to put too much pressure on yourself. Make sure you’re comfortable with what you set.
Let Eddie’s know what you’re doing! Our fundraising team is here to support you all the way.
Create a plan. Put a timeline together of what needs doing and when. So who do you need to speak to about what you’re doing / when do you need to contact friends and family / do you need to make any payments to anyone?
Set up a personal fundraising page. Go to JustGiving and search for The Edmund Trust (Eddie’s). Add your story, tell people why you’re supporting Eddie’s, and add photos to engage people.
Share your efforts through your social media. Make sure you tag Eddie’s into your posts so we can share them too and create more of a buzz.
Keep your friends and family posted with what you’re up to and your progress. Make sure you share the reason you’re supporting Eddie’s so that they understand why it’s so important to you.
Encourage your supporters to tick the Gift Aid box when they donate. It means the government will add an extra 25% to their donation. It can make a huge difference to us.
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